I love class so so so much. Class is so so so much fun. We get to listen. I love my people.
— Angelisa, age 6

In my writing group we an write about anything we want. I love to write about insects.
— Betzi, age 8

This is a peaceful place where we all feel like we belong here. When I am reading my writing out loud and everybody listens, I am respected. I love Latin! Latin is a big, beautiful puzzle. It is a mystery to be solved. I feel brilliant here.
— Naomi, age 9

I made so much friends that I am in the friend family. I love my friends! I am free to write! They listen to me! Stephen is the best person I know! Because of him I got a B to an A in math!
— Helen, age 9

I feel like I am in a dream here, because you rest your mind and be free.
— Rashelle, age 7

It is good to hear the sound of your voice because it is beautiful. When everybody listens to me I feel happy.
— Brandon, age 8

I feel good because I can write what I need to write. When everyone listens to me, I feel good because people care about me.
— Jonathan, age 8

One time I wrote a story about a magic door. And everyone listened to me. It makes me feel important.
— Hugo, age 9

The violin gives bright sounds.
— Kimberly, age 8

If this place closed it would be like a piece of my heart flowed away. I play the violin, which is so cool. I also learn Latin, which makes me feel lucky.
— Aylen, age 9

Still Waters is everyone’s favorite place. We don’t get stressed out. This is where I get my thoughts and ideas out. I feel confident.
— Samantha, age 8

When I learned how to play Pachelbel’s Canon on the violin, I felt it flow into my ears. I love this place!
— Jonathan, age 10

We can write on the sidewalk with chalk and draw flowers and candy and hopscotch. When I come here I feel happy.
— Melody, age 6

I don’t know what I would do without this place. This place makes me feel like home. When I come here I feel so good. The yoga teacher helps me relax. Today I am writing this and I feel so happy. I could only play with my friends here. At school it’s hard to play.
— Yoselyn, age 10

I come here because I play music and read powerful books. I feel happy when I come here. They help us to to reading and homework when it is hard. I am getting better at reading and writing.
— Michelle, age 7

I like all the books there is in Still Waters. I also like the piano.
— Milagros, age 5

Here I feel great. Stephen helps us with writing and homework and peace.
— Jannethy, age 6

Still Waters is a second hope and home. I come not because my parents tell me. It is something I enjoy, because it is not a classroom and listening to each other is better than listening to a teacher because everybody cares about you.
— Christopher, age 11

Here I learn about myself and my friends.
— Justin, age 11

I feel very happy and wonderful here!
— Katey, age 8

Still Waters is everything. If Still Waters was not here, I will never get finished my homework which is a lot. When I play violin, it is like laughing. In my writing group it is fun letting my mind wild.
— Olivia, age 10

Everybody loves my stories because they’re funny. That makes me feel happy.
— Melvin, age 8

I feel happy when I play the violin and I also feel calm.
— Haley, age 10

We read our stories out loud and it feels scary, but it takes your fear away if you do something in public.
— Rafael, age 8